Mangaluru: Aadhaar Card change or correction will be done at all gram panchayats (GP) in Dakshina Kannada (D.K.) district from September 5th, said district additional deputy commissioner Kumar. It will also begin in Udupi district from the same date. But a some places there is a bit of technical difficulty, barring which the other places will initiate the drive, said ZP CEO Shivananda Kapashi.
Henceforth, one need not go to Aadhaar registration centres for correction. This facility will be available at the GPs itself. E-Aadhaar copies will be given through colour/black and white prints. One only needs to contact the GP for changing house address/ name/ new mobile phone number.
Training has been given at ZP levels to data entry operator, staff and E-administration in D.K. and Udupi districts. Software installation at all GPs has been done. The Aadhar registration process will be soon completed through online. If there is network and software problem at some places, it will be repaired later, informed sources in the district administration.