Mangalore : “Chinnara Angalakke Putthalli Yatre”, A Yakshagana puppet show will be staged at Shri Rama Vidhya Kendra, Kalladka, on Nov 11, Thursday, said K. V. Ramesh Kasargod, the director of Shri Gopalakrishna Yakshagana Bombeyata Sangha.
He was speaking at the press meet held at press club on Nov 9, Tuesday. He also said that the programme will be sponsored by Infosys Chairperson Sudha Murthy for 30 schools with the aim to introduce Yakshagana puppetry in young people.
He also said that the Sangha has conducted Yakshagana puppet shows in Paris, Dubai, Pakistan, and other countries. Recently, it has also received the Best Traditional Puppet Performance Award from the World Association of Puppeteers in Czechoslovakia Republic.
Dr. Kalladka Prabhakar Bhat, the chairman of Shri Rama Vidhya Kendra in Kalladka, will inaugurate the programme. Harikrishna Punaroor, Kumble Sundar Rao and Pradeep Kumar Kalkura will be the chief guests. Kajampady Subrahmanya Bhat of RSS will preside over the event on the occasion.
Pradeep Kumar Kalkura, Shivaram Gowda and Jagadish Pulkoor were present at the press meet.