Mangalore: Police have arrested two persons and have seized a Scorpio car and three bikes from them in connection with the alleged kidnap and attack on four youth at Nadupadavu on October 23, Tuesday. The incident is learnt to have taken place when the foursome Ismail, Nisaar, Zafar and Shafi were returning home from work.
A group of around 15 intercepted their autorickshaw and took them to Kalandar’s place where they were beaten up. The four however managed to escape. It is learnt, they were thrashed as an act of revenge as the four had seen Kalandar indulging in immoral activities and had informed locals about the same.
The arrested Abdul Nazir of Manjanadi and Abbas of Kairangala in Padenjaalu have been produced before the court. Search is on for the prime accused Kalandar.
Several locals on gathering news had gathered outside Kalandar’s house and began stoning the house.