Mangalore : In a shocking incident, a group of 50 people said to be Bhajrangdal men who wielded sharp weapons pelted bottles on houses and shops and attacked a Hindu Jagarana Vedike activist near the Kumpala Balakrishna Mandir on August 29, Thursday night.
Even the car of the activist has been burnt by the assailants. The incident occurred at around midnight when some miscreants began to damage banners near the Mandir. A nearby resident, Praveen came out and asked them to leave the place. But the angered crowd threw bottles at the house and also injured Praveen’s son. A Hindu Jagarana Vedike activist named Prakash who as passing that way in his car was intercepted and attacked and his car set on fire.
A seriously injured Prakash had rushed to a nearby house where the group followed him and even attacked a woman named Kumuda. From there Prakash fled to another house where too he was attacked. Later the assailants fled the scene when locals gathered.
It is learnt during the Mosaru Kudike procession, two children Huliveshadharis who were in a tableaux of Hindu Jagarana Vedike were slapped allegedly by Bhajrangdal men.
In retaliation some Bhajrangdal activists took revenge. It is said the two groups used to have frequent clashes.
Ullal police have maintained tight security.