Malpe: A huge ‘scod’ fish, known locally as Bandse, was caught in the nets of fishermen at Malpe harbour. It is long and heavy, to the extent of 8 kg., said the local fishermen who were surprised when they caught it.
The boat in which the catch is taken, is Jesus King. The fish is 3 feet long, and 2.5 feet broad with a red colour, like Mekerel. It looks somewhat like a “Torake” fish, they say.
Experienced fishermen claim that a long scod fish can be only 2 kg in weight. But this one caught on Tuesday is the first of its kind, so the buyers hesitate to purchase it. Therefore, Vikram Salian, a fishermen-business dealer has kept the unusually heavy and large King Size red fish for research work carefully in an ice-box. Any takers?