Mangalore: The Canara Bank retired officers’ Association held their 8th biennial conference in Kodialbail at Corporation Bank Officers Organization’s Centre on Monday April 9.
Ananth Krishna Bhat, former K BK Chairman inaugurated the event and told the gathering that their total presence shoved the mutual relationship of so many banks in a city where banking had originated in 1906. He appreciated the facilities created by Canara Bank for the retired staff members. He asked other bank managements to follow suit and arrange a life of dignity for their officers after they retired.
He referred to the strength of Indian banking and added that putting all the savings in a bank account as an investment for the future was the best way to safe investment, as no(nationalised or scheduled) bank had failed under RBI Watch. K.B. Ballur presided. B.S. Hegde welcomed the gathering. T.R. Bhat, KRS Murthy, CB Prabhakar were present. 21 members of over 75 years in age were felicitated by the Association.