Mangalore: The notorious Cyanide killer of 21 young girls by Mohan Kumar is on the fast track court and three of them have been sifted to Mangalore’s fourth additional district and sessions court in 2013. The three cases related to Barimar’s Anita, Vamadapadav resident Leela and Sullia Peraje’s Sunanda, were first taken up and arguments as well as cross examinations in the court were gone though. The verdict in these three cases which were in the fore front was to be delivered Dec. 9 has been postponed now to December 17. This verdict is likely to influence the balance 18 cases on hand with the fast track court in due course.
It may be noted that the killer and main accused Mohan Kumar was arguing his cases in the court of law after studying certain law books, as he was an educated Megalo-Maniac.