Mangalore: At a crowded and impressive meeting held on Saturday by Gas Cylinder User’s Forum along with Praja Vikasa Seva Trust, demands were made by several speakers to the Govt. to supply at least one cylinder per month and 10 such cylinders in a year without fail. The protest meeting inaugurated by Rekha Baliga (Vice president gas users forum) by lighting a fire in a make shift kitchen on the stage in a novel way, to show that if gas cylinders did not come at the right time the house holders will have to prepare food on a kitchen fire as in old days.
The speaker said the protest meeting wanted the Govt. to ensure at least one cylinder every month without an Adhar Card or on electronic rotes such as online to see that every poor family got a gas cylinder at home for cooking purposes the usage of coke and coal belong to a past and now every family wants a gas cylinder for domestic use therefore the prices of gases used for cooking like LPG should be under control and the procedures of obtaining them on Gas card should be made simpler and easy.
Aisha Mumthaz organizing secretary of the Forum suggested that every care3 should be taken when Lorries laden with Gas cylinders move about on the streets, they should not cause fire, hence fire extinguishers should go along with the cylinders in the Lorries moving from street to street or town to town.
Among the speakers were Vishnumurthy of Auto rickshaw drivers union, Shrikant Salian of WPI, K Dharmendra of Gas user’s forum and others at the crowded meeting on Saturday, Jan.11.