Mangalore : The Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the Bhajrangdal activists staged a protest against the police mistreatment on a Bhajrangdal activist at Barke station recently. The protest rally was held in front of the DCO gates on February 3, Monday.
Bhajrangdal activist Manoj, forcibly arrested as of his residence in connection with the attack of Muneer at KC Road, and he has been treated like in an inhuman manner said, Bhajrangdal leader, Sharan Pumpwell,
His health condition is serious. However, they are placed under arrest without medical care. The police commissioner should take action against the two policemen immediately, he added.
Jagadish Shenava, District Secretary of VHP. Gopal Kuttar, Krishnamurthy, Bhujanga Kulal and others were present.