Krishnapur : The Suratkal Police have nabbed three persons in connection with the murder of Sumathi Prabhu (62), who was found murdered her residence in Vidyanagar, near Koddabbu daivasthana, Kulai-Hosbettu Green Pitch road on February 8.
The arrested have been identified as Shivram (30), Bahadur Singh alias Bahadur alias Bhaiyya, hailing from Dataka, Kapoor Muluka of Bayana Taluk in Bharatpur district of Rajsathan, while Shaan Nawaaz was a resident of Amaroha district in Uttar Pradesh.
It is learnt that, deceased Sumathi Prabhu had a craze of wearing lot of gold and was staying alone in her house. One of the accused Shivram had been Sumathi’s tenant seven years ago and was well kown about the situation.
Reportedly, the accused had come to Sumathi’s house to talk about rented house and pay the advance money on February 8 at around 1.30 pm. Later they entered into the house through the kitchen door which was kept open and cut off her throat and decamped with gold and money, when she was watching Television.
The police, who got clue of Shivram during investigation, arrested him and revealed the truth during the interrogation. The accused also handed over the robbed gold to the Police.
DCP Jagadish, ACP Ravi Kumar, DCIB officer Rajendra, Vijayraj, Santosh, Chandrashekar and Girish Jogi worked in the arrest operation, under the directions of City police commissioner R.Hithendra.