Mangalore : DK District in-charge Minister and State Minister for Forest and Ecology B Ramanatha Rai said that he has not received any information of Moddbidri Journalist been threatened by State Minister Abhayachandra Jain.
Addressing the press meet held at District Congress Office on May 5, Monday, Rai said that he came to know Jain had spoken to Journalist Yashodhara Bangera, but he was unaware of the threatening issue, moreover it is Jain’s personal matter and he has no right to comment on it. Only Jain can give a suitable answer to this question, he said.
When one of the journalist raised objection to his answer of being a personal issue, since Jain had threatened him to get his limbs broken through Congress workers and make him beg, Rai said that he was aware of the journalists unity and how many had come forward to rescue the journalist who was imprisoned earlier.
Criticizing CT Ravi’s statement of conducting Rai Hatao Programme must prove his involvement in any case before such plans and he they do so, even Congress will hold such kind of programme against him.
District Congress Interim President Ibrahim Kodijal, Mayor Mahabala Maarlaa and congress leader Kallige Taranath Shetty were also present.