Mangalore : The Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI), Mangalore unit staged a protest in front of District Health Office (DHO) on September 30, Tuesday demanding to set up a health centre and community hospital in the city.
Addressing the protestors, Santhosh Bajal said that the total population in area such as Jeppinamogaru, Kankanady, Alape, Bajal and Kannur coming under Mangalore City Corporation (MCC) exceeds more than one lakh in which most of the families come from middle class. Hence, they cannot afford to take treatment at private hospitals and demand for health center in those places.
He also said that most of the existing sub-health centers do not have proper medical requirements and facilities to treat the patients. He urged the health department to set up four health centers in the different places and also one community hospital.
Members DK Imthiaz, Yogish Jeppinamogaru, Suresh Bajal and Soudhik Kannur were present.