Mangaluru : The Principal Chief Judicial Magistrate Court has imposed a fine of Rs. 10,000 to each of the five persons found guilty of transporting cattle in an inhuman way.
In the charge-sheet, the Urwa Police charged Hussain Katipalla, Mohammed Ashraf, Abdul Razak, Kulai Hussain and Zia Ul Haq with transporting as many as 30 cattle on a tempo. This tempo overturned near Kottara Chowki on April 7, 2012, resulting in the death of 19 cattleheads. Hussain Katipalla sustained an injury.
The Magistrate Patil Nagalinganagowda convicted all the five under Sections 279, 338, 479 of the Indian Penal Code and also under the provisions of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act and the Mysore Prevention of Animal Sacrifices Act. While they have been asked to pay Rs. 10,000 each, the Magistarte directed tempo driver Mohammed Ashraf to pay an additional fine of Rs. 2,000 for rash and negligent driving and causing injury to Hussain Katipalla.