Mangaluru : As per a details received after filing an RTI application, the ‘Mini Vidhana Soudha’ has not got a building license from the Mangalore City Corporation and violated many safety measures, while constructing a public purposed building.
The MCC asking many regulatations from a common person for construct a house or commercial building. So this‘Mini Vidhana Soudha’ not got any permissions from Fire department, Electric board or PWD. The building plan totally failed as per safety measures, Activist Sunil Vas questioned.
A building which have more than 3000 thousand people peripatetic is must follow fire safety measures. The ‘Mini Vidhana Soudha’ has single door. If any fire incident occurred, people cannot escape from the building. The rooftop also covered in a fiber materials; it may be highly inflammable for fire accidents. The activist mentioned in the application.
He questioned, the Public Information Officer in the town planning section of the MCC, that the concerned authorities failed to obtain a building license for constructing the Mini Vidhana Soudha.
MCC has stated that it did not possess any records pertaining to the building. The Mini Vidhana Soudha was sanctioned when HD Kumaraswamy was the Chief Minister in 2007.
The building was constructed at a cost of Rs 10.26 crore and houses the DK taluk office, Assistant Commissioner’s Office and offices of the Sub-Registrar and land records.
Sunil Vas submitted the RTI application on April 21 and sought details regarding building license, plan, occupancy certificate, completion certificate and other documents. He received a reply from the MCC on May 18 that it did not have any records pertaining to the building in question as authorities had not applied for a license.
The activist has been questioning the functioning of a building without obtaining the mandatory license from the corporation.
It should be noted that all government as well as private buildings have to compulsorily have a license issued by the City Corporation.
In the meantime, the Department of Public Works, replying to another RTI application on May 23 stated that the department had taken up construction as per the government found allotment of 2007 and that the building had no occupancy certificate.