Mangaluru: Police have arrested eight people for throwing eggs on Ramya during her visit to Mangaluru in last week.
Subhash Padil, Sandeep Pumpwell, Prashanth, Sujith, Bharat, Hemachandra, Ranjith and Pradeep. All are backed by right wing organisations.
After two dys of Ramya’s visit, Mangaluru east police have arrested these people on Saturday.
Former MP Ramya had come to take part in a private function at Kadri on Tuesday. Due to her statement on Pakistan quoting that Pakistan is not hell and there are people who treats Indians lovingly, BJP members had staged protest objecting her statement.
She faced protest at Mangaluru airport itself. Two were held for protesting at airport and as soon as she reached Kenjar, eggs were pelted on her car by BJP activists.