Bantwal: “Under various schemes of the Central government Dakshina Kannada district has received a sum of Rs 10700 crore,” said MP Nalin Kumar Kateel.
Speaking to the BJP party workers at Bantwal BJP office on Wednesday, he said that the politics was not played in the developmental works. Proposes sent by the local elected members should be approved by the member of parliament and after that only funds will start to release.
“Bantwal taluk has received Rs 27 crore out of Rs 122crore which was released under Central Road Fund. 80 percent of the fund for the drinking water project has been sanction from Town Municipal Corporation and rest of the fund will be shared by the state government and TMC,” he said after showing the sanction letters of various scheme’s fund.
He further said that from B C Road to Addahole the road will be concretised and it will be the longest stretch of concrete road in entire country. The length of the road of 63.5 km. Due to the delay in land acquisition from Balthila to Kalladka the work has delayed and a flyover will be constructed at that place.
“By next March 2017 Mangaluru to Bengaluru direct train service will be commenced and it will reduce the burden of travelling via Hassan where the travelling will consume more time,” he added.
District BJP President Sanjeev Matandoor, State BJP spoke person Sulochana Bhat Gk and others were present.