Mangaluru : Heavy rain on Monday afternoon affected the movement of traffic following water logging in several areas, including Thokkottu Junction and Ambedkar Circle.
The water on National Highway 66 near Thokkottu Junction was up to knee level. It slowed down the traffic movement on the busy road that is currently being widened. Vehicles piled up on the highway and also on the newly-laid service road that were waterlogged.
Residents expressed their ire against the National Highways Authority of India for its lackadaisical work on the roads that has resulted in artificial floods.
Waterlogging near Balmatta Women’s College bus stop affected movement of vehicles on another busy stretch between Juice Junction and Ambedkar Circle. Motorists had a hard time driving through the waterlogged stretch near Srinivasa College in Pandeshwar. Waterlogging was also seen in Malemar and near Aadimayi Temple in Jeppinamogaru.
Incomplete drainage and road repair works taken up by the Mangalore City Corporation in many parts of the city added to the woes of motorists and pedestrians.