Mangaluru : The BJP on Monday filed a complaint with Bantwal police against Minister B. Ramanath Rai alleging that he had defamed RSS leader Kalladka Prabhakar Bhat during the meeting with Superintendent of Police Bhushan Gulabrao Borase. The video-clipping went viral on the social media on Sunday.
BJP district Scheduled Castes Morcha president and Kalladka resident Dinesh Amtoor, who filed the complaint, sought action against Mr. Rai. Mr. Bhat is a member of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh’s executive committee.
In his complaint, Mr. Amtoor has accused Mr. Rai of speaking about Mr. Bhat in a demeaning way and demanding Mr. Borase to take action. With circulation of this video-clip, an irreparable damage has been caused to Mr. Bhat, he said.
Mr. Borase said that the complaint had been accepted as a petition and was being looked into.
Meanwhile, activists from the BJP Yuva Morcha, the Bajrang Dal and the RSS took part in a protest to condemn the reported statement of Mr. Rai. The activists blocked movement of vehicles for a few minutes at the PVS Circle on Monday.
In a statement, BJP Yuva Morcha district president Harish Poonja accused Mr. Rai of gaining sympathy of the Muslims by speaking against Mr. Bhat in a demeaning way. Mr. Poonja said that it was uncalled for for Mr. Rai to ask Mr. Borase to register a case under Section 307 of Indian Penal Code when there has not been any statement by Mr. Bhat to provoke religious sentiments.