Udupi: Thieves burgled into a house and stole jewellery worth several lakh rupees near Vidyodaya college on Sunday, February 18. The house belongs to Suryakumar Shet who is currently in hospital.
According to the sources, Suryakumar Shet fell ill 15 days ago and has been hospitalized since then. His only son used to visit the house once in a couple of days as he remained at the hospital to look after his father. Suryakumar’s three daughters were married and the house was empty and locked since father and son was at the hospital.
Shet is a collector of antique gold and silver coins, and furthermore has business managing in gold jewelleries. The incident came to light on Sunday morning when Shet’s son came home to find the main door’s lock broken.
The thieves searched three rooms in the house and stole gold ornaments and coins and fled the spot. The coins were arranged in a collection album, from which the thieves took away gold coin pieces, however left behind the silver. Despite the fact that the police are as still calculating the value of the things stolen, it is suspected that it might well keep running into a few lakhs.
Sources reveal that in Shet’s son’s room, the assets were kept in four cupboards. Every cupboard was locked and its key was kept in the other cabinet, and the key of primary cupboard was kept in a drawer of work area in the room. The thieves found the key in the drawer and after that each keys of the cupboards in every one of them, and stole the assets.
As the thieves appeared to have known the way the cupboard keys were kept, and furthermore knowing that both son and father were away in the hospital, the police are suspicious the theft to be an insider’s activity. Police sources said that even though there was CCTV introduced in the premises, it was not switched on.
Dy SP Kumaraswamy, circle inspector Naveenchandra Jogi and other police personnel arrived at the spot and investigated. It might be reviewed here that in the year 2012, burglars had burst into Suryakumar’s home and stole valuables and money worth several lakhs of rupees subsequent to choking and tying him up. The police had captured eight people in the burglary and restored the stolen gold.