Manipal: Kasturba Hospital, Manipal organized an advanced paediatric surgical programme Bal Shalya Kriya Mission – Manipal for children aged up to 16-years in collaboration with Peedh Parai Foundation, Houston, USA and Bantwal Ananth Mallya Charitable Trust from February 5 to 10.
In all, 37 children were provided free advanced surgical treatment. One child will be discharged this weekend and rest discharged after the surgery are doing well.
Dr Avinash Shetty, medical superintendent, Kasturba Hospital said, “Eight-member specialists’ from Houston and Germany led Bal Shalya Kriya Mission – Manipal. Team of 32 including surgeons and anaesthetists from Kasturba Hospital supported them.
The Mission in collaboration with the Foundation and the Trust represented by Jeethendra Nayak, alumni of MIT, Manipal with support from Sudhir Shetty, another MIT alumni made arrangements for the team.
According to Dr Vijaykumar, head of department of paediatric surgery, Kasturba Hospital, six children have undergone urethroplasty where the urethral tube that was absent was reconstructed using other body tissues. Another two kids underwent ureteric re-implantation for their reflux problems.
Three children underwent minimal access thoracoscopy with thorocotomy in which surgery was done to remove and test whether there was malignancy.
Three other children underwent surgery of thorax to prevent herniation of abdominal contents into thorax. One child underwent pycloplasty in which defect in kidney is corrected through laproscopy.
Two other children underwent spleenactomy and spleenorenal shunt for correction of portal hypertension by shunting portal blood into systemic circulation. One child underwent cosmetic repair of cleft lip and another removal of haemangioma containing cluster of vessels.