Udupi: Shirva police have arrested the former district president and current honorary president of Karnataka Rakshana Vedike (KaRaVe) Santhosh Shetty Panjimar on charges of allegedly misbehaving with a lady, owner of a fancy store in Panjimar near Shirva.
It is being said that the accused visited the fancy shop of the woman and when she was alone, he spoke to her in vulgar language and touched her inappropriately. Further, he asked her to accompany him to a lodge in Udupi. It is also said that he threatened the woman if she did not oblige to his demands. Santhosh had also allegedly made calls to the mobile of the victim who belongs to the schedule caste.
The harassed woman took her husband into confidence in an attempt to catch the culprit red-handed. Santosh Shetty was called to the fancy shop and he came eagerly confident that she would succumb to his demands. But, on reaching the shop, the woman, in the presence f her husband went violent on Santosh.
Shirva police arrested the accused under Scheduled Castes and Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act and as per the information given by the Kaup circle inspector Halamurthy Rao, an inquiry is being conducted at the level of DySP.