Mangalore : The Karnataka Bank’s activities is known by the people all over the country and is providing good service to the customers, said Justice Santhosh Hegde speaking at the 88th Founders Day lecture of Karnataka Bank held at the Bank’s Auditorium on Feb 18, Friday.
Speaking on the occasion, he said that the people of the country were either ruled by the British people or the Indian kings or remained as born slaves. But now at least we are going to be independent and try to rule ourselves.
Criticizing on the Parliamentary house, he said that the discipline of the house cannot be compared to anywhere else. The people can see the representatives discussing the issues in the parliament in a peculiar manner and stage ‘agitation’ for four days. Even though the assembly was adjourned, the representatives never left the house and were seen eating and sleeping at their own comfort level.
He also said that the citizens are totally irrelevant in the democratic system. Recalling a student’s question to him during interaction the failure of the bills by the Government, he said that only general public’s bill was stagnant rest of the bills like travel allowance, dearness allowance and other bills of representatives were passed on easily before any effort.
He said that at least 90 percent of the people must vote and make it compulsory and he also recalled the people who are ineffective to cast their vote to anyone but not waste it.
Managing Director of Karnataka Bank P Jayaram Bhat delivered the introductory speech on the occasion and said that the Bank is growing from strength to strength.
He also said that the Bank has made the turn over of Rs 42,000 crore as on date and aims to reach Rs 45,000 crore at the end of this financial year. The Bank has also bagged the Best Award for using Information Technology for the year 2010.
Chairman of Karnataka Bank Ananthakrishna presided over the event.
Padma Sri Sudha Raghunathan rendered the vocal recital as a part of celebration.