Mangaluru: Renowned Martial Arts guru, Bollywood action director and producer Cheetah Yajnesh Shetty will be directing his debut Hollywood movie ’He is back’ in honour of the Karate legend Bruce Lee.
Speaking to reporters here on October 4, Thursday he said the movie which revolves around martial arts is being brought out under the banner of Showtime Cinema and SBM Pvt Ltd in association with Ninjur pictures. Produced by Suresh Sharma and Suresh Babu Malge the movie was launched at Armani Burj Khalifa on September 19, he informed.
The Muhurth function was attended among others by renowned NRI entrepreneur Dr BR Shetty,Kannada film producer Rockline Venkatesh and others. He said the lead roles in the movie are played by Abb Li and Alina Lliumzhinova. Amarjit Shetty is the co-producer while William Bond is the executive producer, Yajnesh informed and added that the movie is likely to hit the screens by next year end.