Mangaluru: The police have arrested three more persons in connection to the with the murder attempt launched on a Bajrang Dal (BD) leader, Polali Harish Shetty (38) on national highway at Kaikamba Suralpady on September 24th.
The arrested accused have been identified as Muhammed Sameer (21), son of Abdul Sadu, resident of Dilruba apartment opposite Ayesha mosque in Ganjimutt, Eshan (21), son of Muhammed, Elite House near Kajepadavu mosque, and Muhammed Khalid (30), son of the late Ahmed, resident of Sainaz Manzil near Sale Masjid Ulaibettu.
The operation was conducted under the guidance of assistant commissioner of police, Rajendra D S and deputy commissioner of police, Uma Prashanth, and directions of city police commissioner, T R Suresh by anti-rowdy squad of north subdivision and central crime bureau of the city police along with Bajpe police.