Mangaluru : Mangaluru area received about 70 mm during the day on Friday, the city did not witness artificial flooding as witnessed on Thursday. The Mangaluru City Corporation (MCC) had cleared some of the obstacles for the smooth drainage of rainwater and the intensity of the rain was less.
Almost all areas in the three coastal districts as well as Malnad region, including Kodagu, received copious rains ranging from 70 mm to 120 mm during the day.
Places like Madamakki in Kundapur taluk (110 mm), Innanje (124 mm) in Kaup taluk, and Kharwa (143 mm) in Honnavar taluk received heavy rain during Friday.
As per Friday’s forecast, the three coastal districts will continue to receive extremely heavy rainfall (over and above 204 mm) till Tuesday following favourable monsoon conditions. Meanwhile, the IMD has warned of high waves in the range of 3.5-4.3m in the Arabian Sea till the midnight of Monday.
Also, it warned of strong winds, reaching 40-50 kmph, and has warned fishermen not to venture into the areas during the period.
In Udupi, Hephsiba Rani Korlapati, Deputy Commissioner, said that the District Disaster Management Authority has issued instructions to fishermen and tourists to take precautions and not enter the sea or rivers in the district.
For emergencies, people can contact 1077 or 0820-2574802/2574360, Ms. Korlapati said in a release here.