Mangaluru : As per the final report by the forensic science laboratory (FSL) submitted to the investigating officer of the case relating to the death of Siddhartha Hegde V G, it has been confirmed that the founder of Cafe Coffee Day had indeed committed suicide.
On Monday, the forensic experts who had conducted Siddhartha’s autopsy, received the FSL report. The final report was delivered to the investigating officer of the case on Friday, inform sources.
Siddartha’s corpse was found two days later some distance away from the spot, after he had jumped into River Netravati from the bridge at Ullal. It was suspected then that he must have attempted suicide. Once the corpse was recovered, the doctors conducted the autopsy and sent their report to regional forensic science laboratory.
Meanwhile, preliminary postmortem report had been sent to the investigating officer, duly mentioning that final report would be submitted after the receipt of the FSL report. The report then had identified the cause of death due to asphyxiation and presently, the final postmortem too has confirmed the said inference.