Mangaluru : The Childline officials, who have continued their drive against begging involving children, have rescued a woman and her two children, including a three-month-old toddler, near Talapady Toll Gate in Karnataka Border.
Deekshith Achrapaddi, centre coordinator of Childline, said that the woman was involved in begging along with her two-year-old boy and a three-month-old infant. He said the rescue operation was conducted around 10.30am, acting on the information provided by the public to Childline.
An informer complained that the woman, hailing from Tamil Nadu, had been roaming suspiciously along with two kids. The caller also suspected that the toddler may have been abducted/trafficked and used for begging.
Deekshith, who went to the spot along with the local police and Child Protection Committee, said that during verification it was learnt that the woman, aged 35, who hailed from Sakleshpur was the biological mother to both the children. The woman, with her children, tried to escape when they were taken before the Child Welfare Committee. However, jurisdictional police stopped them. They have been sent to the rehabilitation home. Deekshith said that the woman has been asked to produce necessary documents pertaining to two children.