Bangalore: Five school students making merry Tavarekere on the city outskirts on Thursday evening, got drowned together in a lake where they went for an outing. One of them had his uniform on. This tragic incident follows an earlier happening in which 4 city youths (including a girl) were drowned in a Bidadi Lake, while taking a dip after Visiting a shrine closeby. Two youths had drowned in January (28) in the Hebbal Lake in another case.
The Thursday incident (March 10) had a Muslim boy and 4 Hindu boys aged 9 each, and they studied in a primary school (4th standards). Their parents happen to be daily wage labourers. Not knowing how to swim, they got into deeper parts of the Gangamma Lake in swirling waters, the police suggested today. Bodies could not be found.
The boys had left school uniforms on the banks, while jumping to the Gangammanakere waters. They probably left the school books (bags) at home, the Police said, while searching hard for bodies.