Mangalore: The practicing advocates of Karnataka on Thursday protested against the Legal Practitioners Act 2010, proposed to be passed by the Central Govt with amendments.
They demanded that the bill should not be moved in the Lok Sabha at all, but should not be withdrawn soon.
They pointed out that the proposal is “anti constitutional”, where absolute power to take action against the lawyers, is given to retired judges as provided. The proposed law is harmful to the system of delivery of justice, the lawyers complained.
Presently the total control and absolute power to take disciplinary action against erring lawyers vested with the Bar Council elected by lawyers, said Vice Chairman, P.P Hegde.
None of the Courts have such powers. So, lawyers are functioning independently. The Bar leaders all over the country fight against corrupt judicial officers. But the new bill arms the High Courts/tribunals having retired judges of district courts as members, with powers to examine complaints and punish advocates who face complaints of wrong deals. If any litigant complains against Bar Council powers in use, the Consumers’ Tribunal is given the power to enquire into Bar Council and take disciplinary action against concerned lawyers, P.P.Hegde stated.
The advocates will submit their memoranda to deputy commissioners, Chief Minister and Union Law Minister demanding the withdrawal of the bill.