Mangalore : You have heard of and seen the 32 year old rapist Bidadi Nithyananda, who ran away to Kumbh Mela in Haridwar recently to wash his sex sins and hid in a hotel in a liquor – producing town of Himachal, before being arrested and treated in a hospital in Bangalore and then getting a bail to proceed to Bidadi Ashram and to conduct Tapas (Penance) in small circle surrounded by diesel / petrol fires as a public show of his spiritual transformation. He has a follower now in Udupi, also called Nithyananda Olakadu, who held a public demonstration dressed like the other namesake.
He was protesting against price hike in Petrol, Diesel, Cooking gas cylinder and Kerosene oil in Udupi in a public place, dressed like a Sanyasi to attract people around him on Sunday.
The show was a success but the cause was doomed, with renunciates showing unwanted interest in the worldly goods.