Mangaluru : The CCB team led by DCP Vinay Gaonkar and Inspector Shivaprakash questioned Anchor Anushree who was summoned by the Mangaluru CCB police for in the drugs case for almost four hours at the Panambur police station on September 26, Saturday.
She was summoned after Tarun who was arrested by the CCB close on the heels of the arrest of dancer Kishore Aman Shetty, had revealed her name during interrogation.
Anushree arrived at around 9 am for the inquiry and told her interrogators that she had nothing to do with drugs and that she knew Tarun Raj since 12 years and also that he had choreographed dance for her for six months.
Speaking to the waiting media persons later, Anushree said she has answered all the questions posed by the police and added that she would appear for interrogation again if summoned. She also clarified that she has not taken part in any drugs party and said there was a need to have a society free from drugs.