Mangaluru : The winners of the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar Rakesh Krishna K, interacted with Prime Minister Narendra Modi through a video conferencing at the Zilla Panchayat Office in the city on January 25, Monday.
Speaking to media Rakesh Krishna a first year PUC student from Bannur in Puttur taluk said that, the “Seedographer” which is multi-purpose seed sowing machine aimed at systematic cultivation which he developed with the guidance of his sister Rashmi Parvathi.
He also said being the son of an agriculturist he knew the problems faced by farmers due to the lack of skilled workers.
He also presented his seedographer prototype before the media and revealed this manual implement can be used to sow seeds as well as srpinkle water and fertilizers. He said it took almost three to four years to design this machine weighing 15 to 18 kg.
Rajesh Krishna also expressed his wish to continue more research on various issues confronting farmers.
Rakesh’s parents Ravishanker and Dr Durgaratna were present. Rakesh was felicitated on the occasion by Deputy Commissioner Dr K V Rajendra.