Mumbai: On the occasion of Silver Jubilee celebrations conducted by Seva Bharathi Trust, on its closing session a ‘Seva Bharat Puraskar’ (Award) was presented to Dr. D Veerendra Heggade by Governor of Maharashtra, K Shankaranarayanan on April 30 at 5-30pm, near King’s Circle (Sion) at the Shanmugananda Hall in its crowded auditorium here.
Seva Bharathi Silver Jubilee Programme Chairman, Vivek Katti was guest of honour on the occasion.
Karishma builders CEO Sudhir V Shetty, among others were present. Most of them were from the coastal (undivided) DK District, living in Mumbai.
There was a cultural programme from a Bangalore dance troupe. Ms. Shailaja Madhusudhan presented a “Seva Bharat Mahan” dance in all its splendour.
Dr.Veerendra Heggade suitably replied to the encomiums showered on him lovingly by the Tulu brethren of west coast resident in Maharashtra.