Mangalore : The Global Positioning System (GPS) will be implemented in the Lorries carrying sands, to avoid illegal transportation of sand, said DC V Ponnuraj.
Speaking at the press meet held at the DC Office Chamber on July 3, Saturday, he said that the GPS system will be implemented in the sand transporting vehicles and even going right to government to provide more staffs on mines and geology. He also said that the authorities are been attacked by the goons, when they interrupt in their sand business. Sand mining is a filthy business.
All kinds of uncontrollable elements are taking place in sand mining. Hence the authorities have decided to implement it. The transportation owners had also not agreed for the implementation. Further the mines and geology department has also planned for the colour coding for the transportation vehicle carrying sands in order to identify easily by the police and RTO department.
The Lorries will be given permit to carry sand only if the lease owner agrees for the colour coding and implementation of GPS, he said.
Through the implementation of GPS, the department can trace the number of trips of sand being taken, since GPS is a kind of sim which will be fixed in the vehicle and records the details of trips taken, he said.
After the implementation of GPS, the vehicle driver will be given ‘trip sheet’, in which the driver has to fill the date time of trip, number of trips and the place taken and the owners name and address given to. The driver cannot give the false details since the GPS will be recording all the details without mistake, he added.
Once the GPS is implemented the owner or driver must maintain the trip sheet compulsorily or else the permit of the vehicle will be cancelled. The GPS system will be controlled by the Police department and the RTO.
The sand Boa is taking place more in Mangalore since the a load of one trip will cost around Rs 2, 000 while one trip in Kerala will cost around Rs 25, 000 to Rs 30, 000. Further the information of sand transportation will be collected from Kerala check post via passing three other check post and if still the sand is being carried, no doubt of sand mafia taking place.
DC also said that, nine vehicles have been cancelled in past two months in which 3 are reset and remaining 6 have been cancelled finally.
The GPS system will also be implemented in service and private buses, so that the authority can monitor, where the buses give the stop to the public. The implementation of GPS instrument will be done with in the end of July.