New Delhi: Eight athletes, mostly 400 metres running girls, have been suspended and two of them Railways employees and medal-winners, for taking steroid banned drugs either directly or in a duped state by their caretakers, coaches, officials and doctors attached to the teams. It has become a raging scandal in Asian games history in India today.
The main coach from Ukrania, Yuri Ogrodrink who served Indian athletes from 1999 till now has been booted out. Most of the officials in training camps from Various sports Boards, have been shown the door. Who administered these drugs secretly or in an indirect way is the matter of stern enquiry now.
Former athletes P.T.Usha, Ashwini Nachappa and Nilkha Singa are angry with the tainted athletes and the sports training systems. Nachappa asked why these athletes were taken outside the country by their coashes. The former champion athletes have found fault with Indian Athletic Federation and East Soviet Coaches attached to Indian athletes for the mess. Ashwini C.S.Akkunja, a gold medalist who failed the doping test just before she was to fly to Japan for an athletic meet, has been off-loaded despite her family protests that she was in capable of being drugged as she took great care in her food intake. No one appears to believe such defensive remarks. The champion athletes will be excluded from London Olympics and all other international meets for years to come. They will lose their jobs and payments from various sports Boards like Railways.
Even when any of them, like Aparna Popat(a badminton player), took medicine fever but containing a drug banned, even under any coach’s advice, have been black-listed so far.