Mangalore: An Association of working Video/Photographers, at DK level was inaugurated at Hotel Utsava in port city(Kodialbail) on Thursday. Yajna lit a lamp. Secretary R.R. Shanbhag placed the objectives of the new group before members Ganesh Holla, president, welcomed the gathering. Yashodhar, joint secretary, Compered the programme. Holla is from B.C.Road and Shanbhag is from Moodubidri. Yajna is the honorary chief from Mangalore.
The Association was registered on 23-12-2010, with 250 members at present. The objectives are to help each other, disburse student scholarships to members children, and seek benefits from the state, if any.
Employees of state/ quasi- government units cannot become members here. Intending Members have to pay professional tax separately.