Bangalore: A jailed Kannada film hero, Toogudeepa Darshan, who had criminally assaulted his own wife of 7 years and a three year old child on Thursday was jailed for 14 days on Friday, developed asthmatic breathing troubles at 3.30am on Saturday along with exhaustion for excessive drinking before he tortured Vijayalaxmi at her friend Vidya’s place and also in his own home has been taken to a hospital for treatment at dawn on Sept.10 here. He was cooling his heels behind bars in Parappana Agrahara Jail, but now he is on bed of Rajiv Gandhi Hospital, to bring his condition to normalcy, doctors said.
Vijayanagar police had arrested Darshan on Friday on a complaint from his battered wife who was hit on the head with his rifle butt. The weapon has been seized and the licence cancelled. Median efforts are on by actors Ambarish and Jaggesh, Darshan is on 14 days of judicial for his excesses under liquor drinks.