Mangalore : Builder Ramesh Kumar and Urmila Ramesh Kumar inaugurated the Mangalore Dasara at Kudroli Gokarnatheshwara temple, by lighting the lamp placed in front of the idols of Goddess Sharada devi and Nava Durgas on September 28, Wednesday.
After the prayer offered to Lord Ganesha, the members of organizing committee have carried all the idols of Godess Durga into the decorated hall and installed it and the Idol of Goddess Sharada was taken in the procession and later installed at 11.35 am.
The religious pomp and grandeur will mark the 10 day festivity which concludes with the grand Dasara procession that will be taken out on October 6.
Speaking on the occasion, Padmaraj R, treasurer said that The organizing committee has made arrangements for leading artists from all over to perform in the cultural programmes that begin on September 28, Wednesday up to October 5.
He also said that Kshetra has made arrangements to feed devotees who come there in the afternoon on all days of the festivities.
H S Sairam, president of the committee, Raghavendra Kuloor, vice president, Harikrishna Bantwal and others were present.