Mangalore: On a day when day and night had 12 hours each, the Website of Kudroli Gokarnanatha Temple was launched by its architect, DKCC leader B.Janardhana Poojary, at the Kalyana Mantapa on Tuesday September.29. The URL It was developed by A1 logistics.
Special prayers to Goddess of learning, Sharada, were offered on the occasion. Poojary trusted that the new website could help in spreading the fame of the Billava Temple all over the world, providing updated happenings of the temple to the viewers. He spent sometime looking at the videos featured on website that contained several images and videos of the great temple that is the centre for Mangalore Dasara of 10 nights at this movement in 2011.
Administration members of the committee were present, as also hundreds of devotees at the highly decorated and beautified temple.