Mangalore: The Karnataka development programmes Monthly Review meeting was held in city on Friday (Nov.11), when Shailaja Bhat (ZP chief) presided. The coastal district was in 20th position close to the last place in the past but now it has improved over the years by struggle.
She asked the TP officials to visit GPs and find out hew they are implementing local development plans. The Government had set up certain targets, and the DK t will do well to reach the heights to be a model to other districts in the state, Bhat said.
CEo, Dr KN Vijay Prakash state that several programmes had been taken up for decentralisation of power to reach GPs. He stressed on engineering division officials to complete all projects in a stipulated period, and directed other employees to respond public grievances at all ZP offices.
He was dissatisfied with the housing plan programme as it did not reach the set target. He earmarked all Saturday afternoons in ZP/TPs (except the second) to clear pending files, with priority for drinking water, street lights and health. Officials were present. 2 Gold medalists of shanghai (china) skating races were felicitated with cash prizes.