Mangalore: The catholic Association of South Kanara (CASK)has decided to remove former Judge M.F Saldanha from its governing council, a move that was roundly condemned by several NGOs and People`s Union of civil Liberties (PUCL)headed by P.B D’ Sa.
The move was called illegal by PUCL, which regarded Judge Saldanha as one of the highly respected members of the Karnataka judiciary.
He had taken a delegation of Christians recently with documents, to meet President of India, to stop desecration of Churches by militant Hidhu out fits.
Justice Saldhana had pulled up office –bearers and member of CASK on certain other grounds, for personal threats received. Saldhana alleged that CASK accepted a bribe of RS 1crore (1.19 lakh dollars) and kept the money in banks abroad, like black money without accounting .
Auditor Rudolph Rodrigues had helped CASK office –bearers by rubber- stamping action. CASK had defended its foul activities.
Several months later the Government authorities started to investigate these illegal acts.
Justices Saldhana took the CASK to task in honest ways, PUCL claimed