Bangalore: The opposition wanted to see the end of BJP rule in state. But DVS Gowda, new CM is seeing congress party new breaking into pieces, with 20 MLAs (as against 22 BJP MLAs) support claimed by Sriramulu to create havoc in BJP) of congress, forming a National congress Party wing in Karnataka under Sharad Pawar of Maharashtra. Will that unify Karnataka and Maharashtra on borders? If the 20 MLAs cross over tol NCP, at UPA level, there will be a shake-up, or tremors will be felt. NCP has no existence, like MES has, in Karnataka.
But Malikayya Guthedar is giving final touches possibility of a NCP branch in Kannada province, according to a TV-9 channel story.
The NCP formation will be a reality, only after legislative winter session, and CM is by then confirmed as elected MLC, with support from Sriramulu who may even become a minister like rebel Vatur Prakash.
There are several MLAs in North Karnataka, who have got angry with KPCC. If Yeddyurappa is disciplined in BJP, then the ruling party will get over its crisis presently.