Bangalore: CM DVS Gowda, who met Governor Hans Raj Bhardwaj, on Tuesday had reiterated his cabinet choice of Justice S.R. Bannurmath, and Governor had once more rejected the candidate.
Sadananda Gowda was wrong in pursuing the matter, but learnt his lesson, and Governor had the last laugh over the selection. When Gowda agreed to a change, by Wednesday, seeking due approval from the state chief before hand.
A BJP top leader, we understand, intervened on the burning issue and a new face will be suggested in a week. It is none other than former chief Justice of Karnataka High Court, N.K. Sodhi, and he may be appointed as the next Lokayukta of the state by week-end, in 2011 itself.
The Lokayukta post has remained vacant, since more than 4 months now, after Santosh Hegde retired and two candidates left the post in a hurry as tainted idols.
Sodhi had been suggested along with Bannurmath as a possible candidate earlier, but BJP had a blind eye not to see him. It is Governor HansRaj who opened that eye to see wisdom.