New Delhi: CM DV Sadananda Gowda was sworn in as MLC on Tuesday, paving way for regularization of his high post in law. Gowda left for New Delhi on early Wednesday to meet high command leaders with a list of 6 or 7 hopefuls for ministerial vacancies and also to impress upon them that he needed a free hand, and no pressure or interference from Yeddyurappa, to provide good governance in the state as de jure CM now.
Gowda is expected to resign as MP from Udupi-Chikkamagalur today, following his elevation as CM and MLC in the state.
Gowda had recently won MLC by-poll, with a margin of 54 votes from legislative assembly constituency. He took oath as MLC in the name of God from D.H. Shankaramurthy, president of Upper house (LC).
In view of sudden death of former CM (1991-92), S.Bangarappa, the ceremony was made as simple ceremony in the chambers of the Legislative council chairman, DHS Murthy on Tuesday.
Later CM held meetings with legislators, LC members, ministers and party workers, on future course of action, without yeddy poking his nose everywhere.