Mangalore: The day all the GSB people on local coastal region were waiting for at the car Street, has arrived on Monday, with the Senior and Junior Swamijis present in the premises for Vedic rituals preceding actual Re-installation of idols in the completely renovated temple cut in rockstones, and gold/silver plated doors with an imposing Dhawaja Sthambha(Flag pole) in front of Sri Venkataramana Temple on Car street in the heart of Mangalore city.
Vedic rituals have been performed since a month now, and final touches were being given in temple premises to the floors, walls, entrance doors, open halls, and the Rajangana.
The idols are kept in Balalaya, a sacred shrine on the left of the outer ring of perambulation at the temple premises.
Newly erected lamp-posts have been inaugurated on last Sunday. The whole place is decorated with coloured bulbs and glowing lights at night for the occasion. The Car Street is banned for Vehicles.
The Junior Swamiji Samyameendra offered mementoes with his blessings to all volunteers, who worked selflesly and with great Zeal for and year, for today’s re-consecration of the Temple with idols.
A golden crown and a throne resplendent with 9 precious stones and metals(Navaratna), donated by Mundkur Ramadas Kamat and other devotees were offered to Lord Venkataramana in the morning, before a short procession taken round the temple for re-installation of idols within the newly built temple for worship by Swamijis.