Bangalore: Indians with patriotic pride of having a constitution of their own, are celebration their 63rd Republic Day in New Delhi and Bangalore in high spirits, as a leading country’s citizens in the world. Mme. Pratibha Devisingh patil un furled the flag in tricolors at Raj path near India gate, and in Karnataka, governor Hans Raj Bhardwaj did it on Army parade in Bangalore this morning.
There was a grand military parade on Delhi roads, with floats and tableaus, also military weapons, providing eye-tilling scenes to lakhs of people thronging the Boat club green lawns.
Several platoons of Army, Navy and Air Force, participated with a great precision, giving ambassadors and VIP guests something to appreciate.
There was a 21-gun salute after Pratibha hoisted the colourful India flag that fluttered in winds.
Amar Jawanl was paid tributes earlier, by Prime Minister and 3 chiefs of Deference staff. Leaders and ministers joined them in service.
Delhi was under special Guard against any external attack by enemies of the nation. There was fog cover till 11Am in Delhi from Vijay chow to lal Quila (Red Fort).
Closed circuit cameras were at work in many busy areas, on routes of the parade. In Bangalore, Manic Shaw parade maiden had lovely colourful scenes and grandeur befitting Karnataka