Moodabidre : 3 person were killed in a ghastly road accident at the Karnataka cross in Belwai, on Jan 25, Wednesday morning on the spot, when a Tata sumo car, in which 8 in a family were traveling to attend the famed attur St. Lawrence church festival from permude to karkalla, collided with an Express private bus head-on, completely destroying the car in its impact, causing 3 deaths immediately, among the 8 passengers.
The surviving injured persons in the sumo car were taken to a hospital, by people around. The deceased person included a woman, identified as Veena (27), besides Vijay (35) and Don Menezes (75).
Luckily, a six-month old baby, Clinton and 4 year old clevita, survived with minor blows.
3 others in the hospital are in traumatic conditions, but stable, doctors said.
The Moodabidre police have registered a case of accidental deaths, and are investigation, over the private speeding Bus, that had no causalities on the list.