Mangalore: The Mangalore International Airport (MIA) has received ISO-9001 and ISO-1400 already to boost its prestige, and now it is given occupational Health and safety Management System (OHSMS) certification 18001 (in its 2007 version) by Australia and Now Zealand (ANZ) joint aviation (air voyage) Accreditation Board as well this week.
Mangalore (Bajpe/Kenjaru) airport is the first such airport in the entire South India, to receive this status, MIA director M.R. Vasudeva Rao informed.
So Meenambakkam (TN), Hyderabad (AP) and Thirwananthapuram or Kochi (Kerala) airport have been outwitted by DK airport.
While granting the new certification, terminal services flying operations and services and complementary administrative service, were considered the director added
The accreditation Board members had visited on February and March 3 to check up the local airport standards