Mangalore: Consulting Civil Engineers Association(Mangalore Branch) arranged a technical address by Japanese experts at Ocean Pearl Hotel on Friday(March 16) about “performance of new Takeoka tunnel in Japan” .
Chairman V.V. Mayya welcomed the engineers. Premanand Shenoy introduced the main speaker, Prof R. Kitamur from Ocean Civil Engg., Kagoshima University in Japan.
The learned professor explained the procedures and construction of Tunnels, rooting, from and to, Geometric Cross-section, construction-testing and stress analysis of the shell(tunnel) underground.
Referring to the construction of tunnel, he told local engineers that outline of construction, geographical characteristics, cross- sectional part, and twin-tunnel performances had to be considered well.
The construction material also should be strong. Protection from subsidence and safety of overhead buildings are to be ensured, he added.
A face to face discussion followed the talk secretary Vinayak Pai thanked the gathering.