Mangalore : The members of Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and Bajrang Dal staged a protest in front of the Mangalore City Corporation demanding to close down the abattoir at Kudroli immediately.
Addressing the protestors, M. B. Puranik said that abattoir is owned by the MCC, but it is not been constructed as per the law and is illegal.
Gurpur Vajradehi Swamiji, said that in abattoir, the animals were killed in a cruel manner. He said that the abattoir has violated the norm as per the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act of 1960. MCC has not developed it in any way.
The protestors stated that every slaughter houses must have meat testing facilities to check the quality, but Kudroli abattoir does not have any such facilities.
They said that calves are being slaughtered in the abattoir, which is violation law according to Karnataka Prevention of Cow Slaughter and Cattle Preservation Act of 1964 hence it is a punishable by law.
Sharan Pumpwell, Manohar Tulajaram, Harish Amtady and others were present.